To enter, writers should submit a pitch of an idea for an original storyline (up to 400 words) and a sample script of no more than ten pages. You will also be required to answer the application questions.
To apply for this award, writers must be:
Living in the North of England at the time of entering and planning to remain here for at least another 12 months.
Over the age of 18.
Actively writing for television - but no professional experience necessary.
Willing to commit to developing your work through the programme on offer.
Please read the full eligibility criteria here.
Applications have now closed and the winner will be announced later in Summer.
Visit New Writing North's website for more information and to apply.

“ This award has been life-changing for me. The experience I’ve gained through my placement with Rollem has been an invaluable part of my screenwriting journey. From support with my original series pitch and writing a pilot script, to shadowing writers’ rooms and career mentoring, I can’t recommend it highly enough! ”
Harriet Ghost, Winner of the Channel 4 Writing For Television Award 2023