Gifted follows Maxine and Sharon, two students celebrating the end of their exams. When they meet top-flight footballer Jamie Gilliam in the VIP room of a local nightclub, the consequences of that fateful night are explosive, with Sharon accusing him of rape. The football club – on the brink of moving into the Premiership – can’t afford any more negative press with the play off final around the corner.
Following intense scrutiny from the newspapers and a strong denial of wrongdoing from Jamie, Sharon eventually drops the case. Initially staggered by the accusation against her idol, it’s up to Maxine to take a deeper look into what happened. Feeling she’s been left in a compromising position, she decides to confide in her barrister auntie Linda.
1 x 100 minute episode
Written by
Kay Mellor
Directed by
Douglas Mackinnon
Produced by
Ruth Gogarty
This one-off television film was written and devised by Kay Mellor. Starring Kenny Doughty, Claire Goose and Christine Tremarco, the drama-thriller explores the pressures and perceptions of football, fame and celebrity status. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon, over 6.1 million viewers tuned in for the initial broadcast.
Kay performed an Alfred Hitchcock-style cameo and played a solicitor – see if you can spot her!
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